Sep 12, 2024
Ramban on the Torah | 59 | Ki Tetze, by Rav Eli Weber
What is the point of the mitzvah to build a railing? Why are there special mitzvot for war? What's the problem with prostitution?
Sep 5, 2024
Ramban on the Torah | 58 | Shoftim, by Rav Eli Weber
Why do people die in wars? What is the point of Egla Arufa? What does it mean to be "Tamim"?
Aug 29, 2024
Ramban on the Torah | 57 | Reeh, by Rav Eli Weber
What is the role of the navi?
Aug 25, 2024
Ramban on the Torah | 56 | Ekev, by Rav Eli Weber
How could Moshe Rabbeinu willingly shatter luchot written by the hand of HaKadosh Barukh Hu?! This and more... about our intimate relationship with God.
Aug 25, 2024
Ramban on the Torah | 55 | Vaetchanan, by Rav Eli Weber
Which is the "real" text of the aseret hadibrot? Treating a derabanan mitzva as deoraita - is that bal tosif? And more...