Mar 9, 2023
Rabbenu Yonah's Four Kitot 20: Rambam and Ramban on Nivul Peh, by Rav Gidon Rothstein
Conclusion to the series, Rambam and Ramban on nivul peh, and a wrap up of the messages of this series, of Rabbenu Yonah's closing the 3rd sha'ar with these four groups.
Mar 2, 2023
Rabbenu Yonah's Four Kitot 19: Unrefined Speech and Complaining Too Much, by Rav Gidon Rothstein
The last two categories of negative speech, nivul peh and nirgan, speaking in unrefined and low-class ways, and complaining too much about life, not seeing the good in it.
Feb 23, 2023
Rabbenu Yonah's Four Kitot 18: Proper Discretion with Information, When To Spread It and When Not, by Rav Gidon Rothstein
When lashon hara involves information that is not inherently negative or false, and yet will deny a person the merit of greeting God's Presence.
Feb 15, 2023
Rabbenu Yonah's Four Kitot 17: True Negative Emotion, When To Spread It and When Not, by Rav Gidon Rothstein
We may not share irrelevant negative information about others, we must share it when it is relevant. Which is which?
Feb 7, 2023
Rabbenu Yonah's Four Kitot 16: The Overall Evil in Slandering Others, by Rav Gidon Rothstein
Rabbenu Yonah's general introduction to lashon hara, why it is treated as so significantly bad a set of sins.