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KMTT - the Torah Podcast

Dec 31, 2020

Dubner Maggid, 16 Tevet 5565, by Rav Binyamin Tabory, originally given for Parshat Vayechi 5768


Dec 24, 2020

Parshat Vayigash with Rav Dovid Gottlieb

#1 - Classical Commentators - Why is it so Important to Yosef that His Family Live in Goshen?
#2 - Contemporary Commentators - "All for One and One for All" - The Essence of Yosef
#3 - Midrash - The Dual Meaning of Yosef's Tears
#4 - Sparks of Chassidus - Appreciating Our Own...

Dec 20, 2020

Assara BeTevet, 10 Tevet, by Rav Binyamin Tabory, originally given for Parshat Vayigash 5768

Dec 18, 2020

Parshat Miketz with Rav Dovid Gottlieb

#1 - Classical Commentators - Understanding Yosef's Bizarre and Seemingly Cruel Behavior
#2 - Modern Commentators - Yosef's Sons, Chanukah Candles and the Essence of Judaism
#3 - Midrash - Why Did Pharaoh Accept Yosef's Dream Interpretation?
#4 - Sparks of Mussar - What Inspired...

Dec 12, 2020

R. Chaim Shmuelevitz z"l, 3 Tevet 5739, by Rav Binyamin Tabory, originally given for Parshat Miketz 5768