Aug 7, 2022
From Redemption to Consolation: Between Pesach and 9BeAv. Our Best Strategies for Bi'at Ha-Go'el.
#14 Go Beyond Apple Pie Comfort, by Rav Gidon Rothstein
When we think about how to deserve full redemption, do we always reach for the same answer, while ignoring other important answers?
Jul 31, 2022
From Redemption to Consolation: Between Pesach and 9BeAv. Our Best Strategies for Bi'at Ha-Go'el.
#13 Mourning Jerusalem Beyond Tisha B'Av, by Rav Gidon Rothstein
The lasting ways we are supposed to mourn Jerusalem, in our ordinary lives, as ways to merit redemption and consolation.
Jul 24, 2022
From Redemption to Consolation: Between Pesach and 9BeAv. Our Best Strategies for Bi'at Ha-Go'el.
#12 The Lessons in Finding the Reason for Jerusalem's Destruction, by Rav Gidon Rothstein
A plethora of reasons for Jerusalem's destruction, and their lessons for finding our way to consolation.
Jul 17, 2022
From Redemption to Consolation: Between Pesach and 9BeAv. Our Best Strategies for Bi'at Ha-Go'el.
#11 The Trumpet Call and Lessons to Learn, by Rav Gidon Rothstein
Blowing the chatzotzerot - why are they one mitzva for both good and sad occasions, and what is that meant to teach us?
Jul 10, 2022
From Redemption to Consolation: Between Pesach and 9BeAv. Our Best Strategies for Bi'at Ha-Go'el.
#10 Overconfidence and the Destruction of Two Temples, by Rav Gidon Rothstein
In Yirmiyahu and in the Gemara, we see people too sure of their way of averting destruction; we can hope to learn from them to look more...