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KMTT - the Torah Podcast

Jun 16, 2022

Shelach | Of Spies and Scouts, by Rav Yitzchak Etshalom

The central story in Parashat Shelach is the "Meraglim" - even though they are never called "spies" in the narrative. Their job, to "scout" (לתור) the land, the selection of important people and the representative nature of the mission (one from each "civilian" tribe) indicates that the mission was not intended for military reconnaissance; yet in Moshe's retelling in Devarim (ch. 1) he uses the verb ויחפרו (to spy) and presents the mission quite differently. We explore these differences and the broader context of the beginning of Devarim and suggest a more subtle yet impactful lesson that Moshe is imparting to Yehoshua - which he clearly takes to heart, as evidenced by the "real" spy mission that he directs before entering the Land.

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