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KMTT - the Torah Podcast

Dec 26, 2018

On Parshat HaShavua - Shemot, The Character Traits of Moshe Rabbeinu, by Rav Ezra Bick

Dec 24, 2018

48 Kinyanei Torah 08, Yishuv and Mikra & Mishna, by Rav Dovid Gottlieb

How important is dilligence, a calm environment, and a culture of learning to your growth in Torah?
Are Tanach and Mishna necessary to become a Talmid Chacham? Why are they - especially Tanach - considered controversial in many yeshivot?

Dec 24, 2018

The Gift of Life with Kyle Seidel - On Donating Bone Marrow. Yeshivat Har Etzion congratulates our Shana alef talmid Kyle Seidel from Woodmere upon having the zechut of donating bone marrow cells to a 69 year old gentleman in need. May we wish all involved the best of health!

Dec 24, 2018

Jewish Family in Halakha #09, by Rav Binyamin Tabory - First Year of Marriage

Dec 19, 2018

Jewish Family in Halakha #08, by Rav Binyamin Tabory - Birkhot Nisu'in