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KMTT - the Torah Podcast

Jun 23, 2022

Parashat Korach with Rav Dovid Gottlieb

#1 - Classical Commentators - "Va'Yikach Korach" - What Did He Take?
#2 - Contemporary Commentators - "The Common Sense Rebellion" - R. Soloveitchik's Timeless Message
#3 - Sparks of Mussar - Korach's Lust for Power: A Penetrating Insight from the Steipler
#4 - Machshava / Jewish...

Jun 16, 2022

Parashat Shelach with Rav Dovid Gottlieb

#1 - Classical Commentators - The Sin of the Spies - What Sin??
#2 - Modern Commentators - Kalev and the Virtue of Religious Struggle
#3 - Machshava / Jewish Thought - Appreciating the Centrality and Importance of Eretz Yisrael
#4 - Sparks of Chasidus - The Essence of Emunah: A...

Jun 9, 2022

Parashat Behaalotekha with Rav Dovid Gottlieb

#1 - The Jewish People Miss Free Fish?!?!
#2 - Contemporary Commentators - The Inverted Nuns: Rabbi Lamm's "Knockout Derasha"
#3 - Machshava / Jewish Thought - Ani Maamin: What Made Moshe and His Prophecy Unique?
#4 - Sparks of Mussar - For the Love of Mitzvos: An...

Jun 1, 2022

Parashat Naso with Rav Dovid Gottlieb

#1 - Classical Commentators - Judaism's Approach to Physical Pleasure
#2 - Contemporary Commentators - The Rewards and Risks of the Birkas Kohanim
#3 - Midrash - Unified Diversity - Appreciating the Gifts of the Nesiim
#4 - Sparks of Chassidus - Separating In Order to Connect:...

May 26, 2022

Parashat Bamidbar with Rav Dovid Gottlieb

#1 - Classical Commentators - Why Does It Matter How the Shevatim Were Organized in the Midbar?
#2 - Contemporary Commentators - The Purpose - and Danger - of the Flags: A Profound Insight from R. Yaakov Kaminetzky
#3 - Midrash - What Does Moshe Have to Do With...