Nov 4, 2019
KMTT - 48 Kinyanei Torah 22, Mityashev Libo B'Talmudo and Shoel
U-Meishiv, by Rav Dovid Gottlieb
The importance of deliberate, consistent and patient learning;
understanding the benefit of questions for the teacher, student and
Jun 23, 2019
48 Kinyanei Torah 21, Machrio Le'Kaf Zechut and Ma'amid Oto al ha-Emet ve'al Ha-Shalom, by Rav Dovid Gottlieb
May 21, 2019
48 Kinyanei Torah 20, Eino Sameach BeHora'ah and Nose Be'ol Im Chavero, by Rav Dovid Gottlieb
Why shouldn't you be "happy" when making a halachic ruling? Why is empathy a crucial character trait - in general, and specifically with regard to learning?
May 13, 2019
48 Kinyanei Torah 19, Mitrachek min Hakavod and Lo Megit Libo B'Talmudo, by Rav Dovid Gottlieb
Why is arrogance or excessive pride so problematic - generally, and specifically, when it comes to Torah study? Why is there a need for multiple kinyanim describing - seemingly - the same trait?
Mar 20, 2019
48 Kinyanei Torah 18, Ohev et Ha-Tochachot, Ohev et Ha-Meisharim, by Rav Dovid Gottlieb