Oct 29, 2020
Parshat Lech Lecha with Rav Dovid Gottlieb
#1 - Classical Commentators - Did Avraham Sin By Leaving
Eretz Yisroel and Putting Sarah in Danger?
#2 - Modern Commentators - What Does it Mean to be "Tamim"? A
Fascinating Explanation from the Beis HaLevi
#3 - Midrash - Did Avraham Really Doubt Hashem's Promise?
#4 - Sparks...
Oct 24, 2020
R. Meir Shapiro z"l, 7 Cheshvan 5694, by Rav Binyamin Tabory, originally given for Parshat Lekh Lekha 5768
Oct 22, 2020
Parshat Noach with Rav Dovid Gottlieb
#1 - Classical Meforshim - "Noach Walked With Hashem" -
What Could be Bad About That?
#2 - Modern Mefoshim - The Tragic Arc of Noach's Spiritual
#3 - Midrash - Can There Be Too Much Unity? The Lesson of the
Dor Haflagah
#4 - Sparks of Chassidus - Noach's Fatal Flaw: A Lack...
Oct 18, 2020
R. Yisrael of Ruzhin z"l, 3 Cheshvan 5611, by Rav Binyamin Tabory, originally given for Parshat Noach 5768
Oct 15, 2020
Parshat Bereishit with Rav Dovid Gottlieb
#1 - Classical Meforshim - A Talking Snake?
#2 - Contemporary Meforshim - A World Without Truth? R.
Schwab's Fascinating Explanation of an Enigmatic Midrash
#3 - Midrash - Is This World the ONLY World that Hashem
#4 - Sparks of Chassidus - Partnering With Hashem in...