Aug 8, 2024
Tisha BeAv | Why Were the Keruvim Hugging at the Time of the Churban? by Rav Dovid Gottlieb
The Romans couldn't understand why they found the keruvim in a loving embrace when they destroyed the Beit HaMikdash. As a result they ridiculed us for this seemingly base display of affection. How do WE understand this...
Jul 25, 2023
Thoughts for Tisha BeAv 5783, in Light of Current Events here in Israel, by Rav Moshe Taragin
Jul 31, 2022
From Redemption to Consolation: Between Pesach and 9BeAv. Our Best Strategies for Bi'at Ha-Go'el.
#13 Mourning Jerusalem Beyond Tisha B'Av, by Rav Gidon Rothstein
The lasting ways we are supposed to mourn Jerusalem, in our ordinary lives, as ways to merit redemption and consolation.