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KMTT - the Torah Podcast

Jan 19, 2023

Vaera | The Surprising Genealogy, by Rav Yitzchak Etshalom

Just as Hashem's magnificent promises and ominous threats are about to be broadcast by Moshe, both to B'nei Yisrael as well as to Pharaoh, the text interrupts with a most unusual mini-genealogical list. We are told, all so briefly, about the families of Reuven and Shimon, after which we are given a somewhat detailed presentation of the Levites - with a curiously selective strategy informing the list. Some of the great-great grandsons of Levi are identified, whereas others are elided. We survey a few of the approaches proposed by the traditional commentators, after which, building on Rashbam and Bekhor Shor, suggest a context-driven solution to the conundrum of this odd and somewhat jarring insert into to Exodus narrative.

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