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KMTT - the Torah Podcast

Oct 4, 2020

The Multi-Faceted Sukkah, by Rav Yitzchak Etshalom

We are commanded regarding the holiday of Sukkot in five different places in Chumash, but only one of them spells out the mitzva of dwelling in the Sukkah and the reason - "That your generations may remember that I caused you to dwell in Sukkot as I took you out of Egypt". What event is this commemorating? Why do we celebrate this Exodus-recreation in the fall? Why a Sukkah? We survey answers from Chaza"l and the Rishonim and find a surprising range of approaches.

(This shiur was given in memory of our dear friend, Judd Magilnick z"l, who passed away suddenly just before Yom Kippur. We'll miss you, Judd, every Wednesday and every day.)

Sourcesheet is available here.