Jul 24, 2024
Pinchas | "And Their Libations", by Rav Yitzchak Etshalom
Why are the libations and grain offerings (נסכים ומנחות) repeated with each korban in our parasha?
Parashat Pinchas is known for its presentation of the "Mikdash-Calendar", i.e. the listing of Korbanot to be brought daily, every Shabbat, Rosh Chodesh and on Moadim in the Mikdash. However, in spite of the already presented laws of the grain+oil offerings (מנחות) and wine libations (נסכים) that are to accompany most Korbanot, these are spelled out and repeated in each section in our presentation. We explore the dual nature of these Parashot - one standard and one unique - and suggest that the "surprising" perspective may hold the key to these seemingly needless repetitions. This shiur was given on the occasion of Rav Etshalom's father's 25th yahrzeit: לע"נ אבי מורי הרב אשר אהרן בן אברהם בנימין ז"ל - may his memory always be an inspiration.