Apr 18, 2024
A Tale of Two Sedarim: From Bnei B'rak to Lod, by Rav Yitzchak Etshalom
Why wasn't R. Gamliel at the "Seder" in B'nei Brak?
Although we envision the evening of the Seder as being focused on the story of יציאת מצרים, there is another theme which holds a position of honor in the evening's discussion - the laws of Korban haPesach. Just as the famous "Seder" in Bnei Brak involved 5 of our greatest sages engaged in the recounting of the story of the Exodus all night, the Tosefta tells of a "parallel" seder led by R. Gamliel, where the focus of discussion all night was הלכות (קרבן) הפסח. The significance of the Korban, although relegated to commemorative status after the destruction of the Mikdash, still has a significant impact on the nature of the evening. We explore the dispute among Tannaim - and, later - Rishonim - as to whether the Korban Pesach needed to be eaten before midnight or could be eaten until dawn as a reflection of different approaches to understanding the underlying reason for the Korban and, essentially, the nature of the celebration of this most powerful of sanctified feasts.