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KMTT - the Torah Podcast

Dec 3, 2020

Parshat Vayishlach with Rav Dovid Gottlieb

#1 - Classical Commentators - Shimon and Levi Slaughter Shechem: Righteous Justice or Unethical Vengeance?
#2 - Modern Commentators - The Greatness of Yaakov: Rav Kook's Fascinating Interpretation
#3 - Midrash - Who Was Yaakov Fighting and Why Were They Fighting? A Midrashic Interpretation
#4 - Sparks of Chassidus - Yaakov and the True Source of Humility: The Incredible Insight of the Sefas Emes
#5 - Halacha from the Parsha - What is the Mitzvah of "Dinim" for non-Jews?