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KMTT - the Torah Podcast

Jul 16, 2020

Parshat Matot-Masei with Rav Dovid Gottlieb

#1 - Classical Meforshim - Why Do We Need to Know About Alllll of the Stops in the Midbar?
#2 - Contemporary Meforshim - The Basis of Jewish Morality: An Amazing Insight from R. Moshe Feinstein
#3 - Midrash - Obsessing Over Money: The Tragic Mistake of Benei Gad and Reuven
#4 - Sparks of Musar - The Importance of Being Inspired: Rav Schwab's Beautiful Insight into Am Yisroel's Journeys
#5 - Halacha from the Parsha - The ABCs of Tevilas Keilim