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KMTT - the Torah Podcast

Oct 31, 2024

Noach | Days of Wine and Curses: A Fresh Look at The Curse of Canaan, by Rav Yitzchak Etshalom

What was Cham's sin in the tent? 

The immediate postdiluvian scene (Bereishit 9:18-29) is troubling on several accounts. Why is Cham introduced (twice!) as "father of Canaan"? What did he do that was so egregious that he earned his father's eternal curse? Why was that curse placed on Canaan, Cham's youngest son? How did Noach even know what happened, if he was asleep? Who are Canaan's brothers, to whom he is to be enslaved? Building off of Midrash Chaza"l and several contemporary observations, we propose a more text-friendly way of reading Cham's sin and Canaan's curse.

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