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KMTT - the Torah Podcast

Jul 1, 2020

We are happy to introduce a new series by Rav Dovid Gottlieb on the Parsha, each weekly shiur comprised of 5 parts, Classical Meforshim, Achronim, Midrash, Chassidus, and Halacha. Enjoy.

Chukat #1 - Classical Meforshim -
What Was Moshe's Sin? 3 Approaches in the Rishonim
Chukat #2 - Achronim / More Recent -
"Misas Tzadikim Mechaperes" - Rav Kook's Inspiring Interpretation
Chukat #3 - Midrash - Why Was Moshe Scared of Og? A Profound Teaching from the Midrash
Chukat #4 - Sparks of Chassidus - Why Use a Copper Snake? A Beautiful Thought from the Sefas Emes
Chukat #5 - Halacha - Ta'amei HaMitzvos - Can the WHY Impact the WHAT?